A Step By Step Guide For Enjoying Guilt Free Sugar

Promoting eating sweets in the first week of January✔️.

How to eat sugar in a way that feels so good😋.⁣

1. Make a list of some sweets that you think you might like to try.⁣

2. Go to the store and buy a few of them. Totally cool if it’s cheap chocolate!⁣

3. Put it in your cabinet. Somewhere where you can see it every day.⁣

4. Once or more but not less than, take that sweet and have it. Put in on a plate and sit down if you have time.⁣

5. Give yourself FULL permission to eat it.⁣

A Guide For Enjoying Guilt Free Sugar.png

6. Eat it. You can make sounds of pleasure if needed. Pay attention to taste, texture and temp. I like my brownies hoooottt. I like my icing with cake😂.⁣

7. Honor your body when it says it has had enough. It’s also ok if you can’t because you’ve been restricting for so long. Just remind yourself you can have more tomorrow. And you should.⁣

8. Now that you’re finished release the guilt and shame from the food. Remember, we need sweets to have a mentally healthy relationship with food.⁣

9. Focus on something else. Wash your dishes or call a friend.⁣

10. Repeat the process tomorrow.⁣

Email me and let me know how it goes!

Soshy Adelstein