Can you have WEIGHT LOSS GOALS and practice Intuitive Eating at the same time?

"Sosh, I'm ready to start making peace with all foods but I still have weight loss goals. What do you think? Can I do both"?

I was recently on a consult call with someone that was interested in working together and loved the concept of Intuitive Eating and quitting diets but she didn't know if she could let go of her weight loss goals while doing this work. I totally get it!

Soooo, let’s talk about the elephant in the room;)

Can you have WEIGHT LOSS GOALS and practice Intuitive Eating at the same time?

In short, yes and in short let’s reframe some of this so we can make space for the part of you that doesn’t feel comfy in your body and the other part of you that is DYING to make peace with food because you’re so sick and tired of diets.

Here it goes… I want you to take a look at every single attempt at weight loss that you’ve ever tried. Most likely you’re actually really good at losing weight. Here is the dark side of dieting and weight loss transformation stories that no one talks about.


Diets+restriction short term make you lose weight. But diets long-term make it impossible to keep the weight that you lost OFF, because your brain is not designed to be on a diet.

So let’s try something different. How about you take your power back from diet culture by saying, screw this way of eating that doesn’t work, and make peace with food from the inside out.

People that try Intuitive Eating almost always report back that they feel better in their body and mind regardless of weight change!

Think about it in terms of this!!

  1. How amazing would it be to have pizza with your friends and eat it in a way that tasted good and honored your body?

  2. How cool would it be if exercise/movement were fun and not used as a means of punishment for what you ate the night before.

  3. What if you didn't have to buy a new wardrobe every season because your body found a stable weight, once you stopped dieting?!

  4. Imagine how much brain space you would have to actually live your best life if you quit obsessing about food!!!

All of these are absolutely possible when you make peace with food. I promise you!! I have tons of resources on my site if you want to get started on the Intuitive Eating journey. Make sure to check them out. Also, if you want more 1:1 coaching on how to finally make peace with food, connect with me here.



Soshy Adelstein